Migraine Specialist

Peter-Brian Andersson, MD, PhD -  - Neurology

Neurology Consulting, Inc.

Peter-Brian Andersson, MD, PhD

Neurology located in Tarzana, CA & Thousand Oaks, CA

A migraine can last anywhere from four hours to four days without treatment, during which time you might be incapable of doing much more than lying somewhere dark and quiet until the pain eases. If you struggle with migraines, Peter-Brian Andersson, MD, PhD, at Neurology Consulting, Inc. can help. At his offices in Tarzana and Thousand Oaks, California, Dr. Andersson provides expert treatments that help reduce the number of migraines you experience and alleviate the severity of your symptoms. Call Neurology Consulting, Inc. today to schedule a consultation or book your appointment online.

Migraine Q & A

What is a migraine?

A migraine is a type of headache that can be so severe you're unable to function while in its grip. As well as the extreme throbbing pain in your head, migraines cause symptoms such as nausea and vomiting and, in some patients, sensitivity to light, sound, smell, or touch.

Before the migraine pain sets in, many people find they can predict it is coming because of differences in the way they feel. You might experience mood changes, digestive upsets or constipation, and symptoms like fatigue or disturbed sleep.

Some people experience what's known as an aura before their migraine. An aura causes you to have visual disturbances, like blurred vision or seeing lines and flashes of light.

What causes a migraine?

It's not known for definite what causes migraines. Currently, the leading theory is that migraines are a result of genetic influences that cause neurological abnormalities in your brain.

If you get migraines, you can probably identify triggers for an attack. Common migraine triggers include:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Hormonal changes
  • Bright or flashing lights
  • Skipping meals
  • Lack of sleep
  • Certain foods
  • Alcohol and caffeine

More women than men suffer from migraines. The hormonal changes women experience during menstruation could be one reason for this.

What treatments are there for migraines?

As yet, there isn't a cure for migraines. However, Dr. Andersson at Neurology Consulting, Inc. has specialist expertise in helping to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines using the most advanced treatments currently available.

There is no longer a need to suffer from migraines! Nearly 1 in 4 households in the US have a migraineur - 12% of the population and more than 4 million have chronic migraines which are attacks the come more than 15 days a month. There are a host of new medications for this condition but this office has over two decades of experience in use of the older therapies with good success – anti hypertensive, anti seizure, antidepressant medications and botulinum toxins Xeomin® and Botox®. Exciting new therapies include the CGRP blockers Aimovig®, Ajovy®, and Emgality® and abortives Cambia®, Nurtec®, Reyvow®, and Ubrevly® as well as new nasal and subcutaneous triptan delivery options.

As well as taking the medications Dr. Andersson prescribes, you can help prevent migraines with behavioral changes, including:

  • Adopting stress management strategies
  • Exercising regularly
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Getting regular, restful sleep
  • Not skipping meals
  • Avoiding your triggers

Keep a record of everything you do, eat, drink, and feel so you can isolate your triggers. Avoiding the things that set your migraines off is a simple and effective way to reduce the number of migraines you get.

If migraines are blighting your life, call Neurology Consulting, Inc. today or book an appointment online.